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  • 蝦若買的是整隻蝦,則先去殼和挑去除腸泥,用太白粉和鹽重複清洗多次後,用廚房捲筒紙徹底吸乾水份,若是大蝦再用刀把蝦背切開至約蝦身厚度的1/2
  • 油1 t
  • 將蝦肉以米酒1T及塩salt和白胡椒粉(or black pepper power),Paprika,garlic powder,ginger power適量調味醃20分鐘後拌入麵粉或地瓜粉1T
  • 紅、黃和綠色青椒切小丁bell peppers seeded and diced
  • 奶酪shredded cheddar cheese1/2杯
  • 雲吞皮Wonton wrappers


prepare wonton shells:餛飩皮或水餃皮兩面薄薄的刷上一層油後lightly brush wontons or dumplings wrappers on both sides with olive oil,放入muffin pan模內using a muffin pan, press the wonton wrappers down the corners and pressing the bottoms down to make a defined cup將皮緊貼模具四週及底部,放入預熱350F度的烤箱約7分鐘preheat oven to 350F bake until lightly browned,呈淺棕色杯狀容器後取出放在格架上冷却transfer to a rack and let cool多餘的可以保存在airtight container密封的保鮮盒一週的時間。airtight container for up to a week.

  1. Preparing shrimp:先去除腸泥,用太白粉和鹽重複清洗多次後,用廚房捲筒紙徹底吸乾水份。Pull off the head and shell. Use a toothpick to hook the vein and remove it.Rinse the shrimp under cold running water and pat dry.
  2. 加入米酒和塩醃約20分鐘。Add rice wine and salt with shrimp for about 20 mins.用廚房捲筒紙徹底吸乾水份。Rinse and pat dry.
  3. 鮮蝦灑上塩和白胡椒粉後拌少許麵粉或地瓜粉,然後將多餘的粉抖掉。season the shrimp with salt, pepper then coat it on both sides with flour .Shake off the excess.
  4. 不沾鍋上放少許油,小火熱油轉中火放入鮮蝦煎至底部轉紅再翻另一面續煎,入彩椒丁翻炒出香味,嗆入少許米酒並加入塩和白胡椒粉調味。Set a nonstick frying pan over medium-high heat and add a small amount of oil. Put the prepared shrimp into the hot oil, turn the shrimp over when it turn opaque.Add diced bell pepper then salt and peppers.
  5. 將奶酪絲鋪在雲吞杯中入彩椒粒,並擺上蝦仁入預熱375F度烤箱內直至奶酪融化後取出盛盤。
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