
DSC03250  DSC03193  在陽光普照的初夏是草莓豐收的季節,對於不能久放的草莓果實,自己種的草莓不用擔心農藥殘留,現摘現吃新鮮的草莓是最令人安心。若是一株有藤蔓匐莖的草莓,一下子又能分種多盆,來年就有採收不斷的草莓,不禁讓人想要做草莓派、草莓果醬來消化採收的草莓。買那一品種的草莓才好呢?Strawberry Types and Recommended Varieties:There are four types of strawberries: June bearing, everbearing, day neutral, and Alpine strawberries.

六月結果實的June bearing: June bearers are day length and temperature sensitive and produce only one big June crop. Perfect for eating fresh, and for preserving, are generally planted in large patches and the beds are replanted every few years.農夫們在一大片隆起的花床,像稻田般的土地面積,辛勤的耕耘,不但怕蟲鳥的偷食,果實還容易腐爛,而且氣溫也會影響果實的甜度和產量,一年只有一期的收成。

‘Allstar’: large sweet berries, plants are June bearing and have good disease resistance; best in Northeast, Midwest, and eastern Canada.

‘Honeoye’: great flavor. Plants are June bearing, for Northeast and Midwest.

‘Sequoia’: produces in June and July, bred for the West but adaptable throughout zones 5 – 8, disease resistant.

Everbearing: plants are similar to the June bearing but less sensitive to day length. They produce a big crop of berries in June and small crop in fall.通常可以在六月和秋天兩期採收大草莓。

‘Ozark Beauty’: classic old-timer with wedge-shaped large berries. Good for Midwest and Northeast.


‘Quinault’: flavorful berries, plants are very disease resistant and best for the Northwest.


Day neutral: these plants form flower buds regardless of day length and produce from spring through fall; the berries are small, but of high quality. Plants are less prone to diseases but produce poorly in hot climates.不適合種在高溫的地方,結的草莓雖小但是甜而多汁。

‘Tribute’: medium-size berries. The plants are vigorous and very disease resistant.

‘Tristar’: fairly small berries, great flavor, vigorous; resists red stele and verticillium wilt.

Alpine: selected from wild European strawberries, they are started from seeds or plants. The berries are small and intense. The plants set no runners and prefer cool conditions and some shade.來自歐洲野生的草莓種子或幼苗,喜涼爽或半遮蔭的地方。結出結實的小草莓。

‘Alexandria’ – The most common red Alpine strawberry, small mounding plants.

‘Rugen Improved’ – small mounding plants, fruits larger than most Alpines. 



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