Day 1 (7/28/14) :
Sundial Bridge日晷橋 (850 Sundial bridge Dr, Redding)
- Drive Time: 4 hours 30 mins
- 在Redding市區Turtle Bay Exploration Park停車場停車後,這座橋是在2004年七月開幕,現在已經成為Redding的象徵性地標。Sundial Bridge是一座由西班牙建築師Santiago Calatrava設計的斜張橋,結合了日晷設計的一個217英呎的桅杆,當時建造時是世界上最大的日晷。日晷的影子會落在外面一圈的時間標誌,每年只有在Summer Solstice(夏至)時最為準確。
🌃Hampton Inn & Suites (2160 Larkspur Ln, Redding, CA)中空玻璃電梯從樓上俯看早餐區和小噴水池。
🌃Oxford Suites (1967 Hilltop Drive, Redding, CA)性價比高,早點去的免費早餐區提供現炒歐姆蛋等。
🌃Comfort Suites (1195 Grand Ave Redding, CA, 96003 United States , 1-866-678-6350), 2014那年來時是剛開幕的旅館,房間 空間很大,有冰箱、微波爐,提供免費早餐和WiFi和停車。
🌃Americana Modern Hotel (1241 Market St, Redding, CA)
泰、越南餐廳Chanpo Garden餐點選項多,營業時間較長。
Day2 ( 7/29/14)
McArthur Burney Falls state park波泥瀑布 (24898 California 89, Burney, CA96013)
- Drive Time: 約1 hours 20 mins
- 瀑布位於McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial State Park內,地點在6 miles north of Hw299, 在89與299公路的附近,離Redding 約1小時15分的車程。
- 每輛車$8 (Sunrise to sunset year round)
- Hiking: Falls trail for a couple hundred yards, switch backs down toward the falls. along the east side of Burney Creek to bridge to lake Britton.
拉森火山國家公園Lessen Volcanic National Park, CA
- Drive time:
- 進國家公園南邊入口,先在Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center看影片介紹。
- 從Visitor Center往北到Sulphur works的地熱景觀,再往北開經過Emerald Lake跟Lake Helen,沿路上可以看到Lassen Peak,上面的Vulcan's Eye。
- 在Bumpass Hell的停車場走Bumpass Hell Trail。
- 住宿:Brookside Inn & Suites 兩個queen size 的床,空間很大,有冰箱,微波爐,免費早餐和WiFi,舒適。2020 Leigh Way, White City 97503 or Klamath Falls
* 旅遊Oregon值得參考的網站 :
Day 4 (7/31/14):
Crater Lake National Park, Oregon 綺麗湖國家公園
約七千七百多年 前 Mt. Mazama火山爆發後,由頂部陷落造成大坑,加上日積月累的雨雪注入造成今日的綺麗湖,湖的深度居全美第一,世界第七,最深處離湖面約1,943英呎,湖面平均高度在海平面以上6,173英呎,湖水以燦爛見底的蔚藍聞名全美。 以順時鐘方向沿著33 miles Rim Drive,靛藍的綺麗火山口湖環繞而行,方便停靠觀景美麗的湖光山色,然後再探索Rim Drive外圍蒼鬱的森林景點,一樣是扣人心弦美不勝收。 *Read more: take an early boat tour, but get an early start (the line for tickets usually starts forming by 8am)
健行步道: Watchman Peak, Garfield Peak, and Mount Scott trails. *Read more:
Day 5
Oregon Caves National Monument 奧瑞岡州國家歷史遺跡保護洞窟*根據官方網站指是須走199號公路上的Cae Junction接46號公路,建議前一晚住宿奧瑞岡州Grants Pass,OR比較順路。
住宿: Phoenix Inn Suites South Salem 兩個queen size 的床,空間很大,有冰箱、微波爐,免費早餐和WiFi,不過旅館稍嫌老舊。 4370 Commercial St , Se Salem, 97302 OR
經常開車往返波特蘭和舊金山,可以走彎蜒曲折的海岸線,也可以選擇時間最省的路線,從高速的5 號公路一路往南,景色十分優美,不像往洛杉磯方向單調的高原沙漠,如果想順道到Smith Rock State Park, Bend 等地方,可以選擇波特蘭東邊的路線。
Day 6 購物日(Oregon無Sale Tax銷售稅)Woodburn Premium Outlets, I-5, Exit 271奧瑞岡州最大的暢貨購物廣場 1001 N Arney Road, Woodburn, OR 97071( Mon - Sat: 10am-9pm, Sun: 10am-7pm)
🌷每年三、四月春天的鬱金香農莊品酒賞花WoodenShoe Tulip Farm & Vineyards (33814 S Meridian Rd,Woodburn),每日開放時間:10am-4pm先到woodenshoe.com網站查看盛開期和活動期間,並事先網上購票會Email 入園參觀時掃描 QR code的票($25+2.5fee/@人),有免費停車場,波特𦬨地區陰雨綿綿的春天最好帶著雨具、穿上雨鞋,以備得行走在雨季造成的泥濘不堪的花田。
🌼八、九月(8am-6pm) 天鵝島大理花田(995 N.W. 22nd Ave,Canby, OR)Swan Island Dahlias(,40-acres色彩繽紛的大理花田區,每年的大理花嘉年華慶典,通常在八月的最後一個週末和Labor Day勞動節的週末10am-6pm舉行免門票,夏天大部分時間陽光普照,準備遮陽帽和塗防曬。
Day 7
Multnomah Falls, Portland downtown, Oregon (5000 E Historic Columbia River, Bridal Veil , OR 97010)
- The falls has two major steps, the top section falls 542 feet and then descends another 69 feet below the foot bridge.
- Multnomah falls offers beautiful scenery for photographs, has a gift shop and offers miles and miles of nearby hiking trails through the beautiful Mount Hood National Forest.
*從波特蘭(Portland) 84公路在22 號出口,沿著30號公路欣賞著風景優美的Historic Columbia River Highway,遠眺哥倫比亞河峽谷的好所在:Women's Forum Overlook(9.5 miles) 和 Crown Point Vista House 。
*從波特蘭出發,走26號公路約一個半小時左右,可以到達山上的Timberline Lodge,觀賞Mt. Hood的地點,或是到Trillium Lake去看美麗的湖景和Mt. Hood。
*同事建議也可以順道去The Grotto National Sancturary of Our Sorrowful Mother 佈道院逛逛花園。
Powell's city of books 書店(1005 W. Burnside, Portland, OR 97209) From humble storefront beginnings in 1971, Powell's has grown into a Portland landmark and one of the world's great bookstores. Covering an entire city block, Powell's City of Books contains more than 1.5 million books in 3,500 different sections. Open 9 AM-11 PM, 365 days a year.
精品店 :
*Pioneer Courthouse square (701 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97204): Pioneer Courthouse Square, affectionately known as Portland's living room, is a public space occupying a full 40,000-square-foot city block in the center of downtown Portland, Oregon, United States (503) 223-1613 ( Broadway between Morrison and Yamhill , Portland, OR)
*Washington Square (9585 SW Washington Square Rd Portland, OR 97223)
- 咖啡In 1999, Stumptown Coffee took Portland caffeine lovers by the storm. What started as a single roastery on Southeast Division Street quickly expanded to the rest of Portland and, more recently, New York City and Seattle. Stumptown emphasizes direct trade and highlights the different flavor profiles of coffee varietals.Stumptown Coffee Roasters和www.stumptowncoffee.com128 S.W. Third Ave., Portland, OR 97204 & 4525 SE Division Street, Portland, OR 97206 &1026 SW Stark St, Portland, OR
- 花樣多多的巫毒甜甜圈 Voodoo Doughnut is one of the city’s most unusual and delicious culinary destinations. The doughnuts, topped with creative ingredients such as bacon, Captain Crunch and Oreos, are almost as fun to look at as they are to eat. Locals and visitors line up 24 hours a day for what may be the most innovative doughnuts in the world. 24小時店。鄰近Chinatown
- Foods Carts異國特色餐車街: 位於3街與Stark交叉口,或沿著三街繼續往北走大約3-4個block三街和Ash交叉口:有一家漢堡店-Big Ass Sandwich和Tabor捷克菜,BrunchBox的grill cheese三明治。Hawthorne Blvd與12th Ave交叉口:Potato Champion薯條專賣店(12th & Hawthorne)Tu-Fr 4pm to 3 am/ Sat, Sun 12pm to 3 am和Perierra Creperie可麗餅。
* Portland's International Rose Test Garden, unofficially known as the Portland Rose Garden, is the oldest official continuously operated public rose test garden in the United States and features more than 10,000 roses. Each year hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world enjoy the sights and scents of the gardens, including its spectacular views of downtown and Mount Hood.
Tillamook至今仍以牧場和拼貼布為重鎮,早期的法院現今的歷史博物館,隱約可見Tillamook Post Office字樣痕跡的小紅磚房郵局已不敷所需,就在法院大樓隔條大馬路的現代建築取代了。
The Tillamook Cheese Factory奧瑞岡州有名的奶酪起司品牌,來自海濱地區的乳牛牧場提供了新鮮美味的牛奶,幾乎全年開放(closed Thanksgiving & Christmas), 可以品嚐奶酪(包括有名的squeaky cheese)、dipping counter有28種口味的冰淇淋試吃,還設有The Creamery Cafe早、午餐餐廳、超市和禮品店,免費參觀cheese making & packaging奶酪製造和包裝作業過程、產品資訊簡介、影片欣賞和藉由Kiosks遊戲機進行互動平台。
4175 Highway101 North,Tillamook Oregon 97141 | 503-815-1300 |
Tillamook Cheese Factory | Web site |
Day 8
奧瑞岡州立大學Oregon State University (OSU:1500 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331)
住宿:推薦價位合理有寧靜的禪園Zen garden和小步道的Best Western Premier Boulder Falls Inn (505 Mullins Dr,Lebanon,OR)
Day 9 & 10
Redwood State and National Park, California 紅木州立及國家公園
Elk Meadow
- Redwood National Park is home to several Roosevelt elk herds that graze in prairies and meadows.
- They can reach up to 700 to 1,000 pounds and have the largest antlers out of all elk species, growing up to four feet!
- The best place to view the Roosevelt elk is in Elk Meadow, just off Highway 101 on Davison Road – the same road that goes to Gold's Bluff Beach.
Gold's Bluff Beach stretches for 10-miles and is back-dropped by cliffs covered with towering redwoods. you can go on a leisurely stroll, have a picnic, or collect rocks and shell.
Fern Canyon a 30 foot canyon lined with a variety of ferns.
Just 1.5 miles past the Gold's Bluff Beach campground, is a parking lot equipped with restrooms and trail head to Fern Canyon. The Fern Canyon trail is an easy 2 mile loop that heads through the canyon and up over the canyon to bring you back to the start. After you walk through the canyon, go up the stairs (towards the left) till you reach the top of the canyon. Then stay left and head back towards the beach for stunning views of the canyon from above.
Day 11
Mendocino County and Fort Bragg, California
Fort Bragg's Glass Beach (Elm St & Glass beach Rd)
- Glass Beach is located in MacKerricher State Park and can be accessed by heading west on Elm Street (off Hwy 1).
- Walk down the foot path and turn left when you get to the fork in the path.
- As a former dump site, glass beach is now a treasure trove of polished glass that's washed up over the years.
- Downtown Mendocino is sprinkled with art galleries, cafes and shopping that over looks the rugged coast. It's a great place to stop for a bite or purchase art or gifts.
- If you're simply window shopping the entire downtown area can be walked in about an hour to two.
- Stop at the visitor center to pick up free maps and brochures on local attractions most of which include Mendocino’s main attraction… the countless state beaches.
- 餐廳:Address: 44951 Ukiah St, Mendocino, CA 95460 Phone: 707-937-2436Hours: Mon-Sun 11am-9pm
![舊金山到奧瑞岡深度旅遊Road Trip from San 舊金山到奧瑞岡深度旅遊Road Trip from San](
Day 12
加州有名的景點 那帕酒鄉Napa Valley Winery 和與其相鄰的Sonoma Valley被成為加州頂級的葡萄酒產區。來自各地的遊客來到這裡欣賞美麗的田園風情,各有特色的美景酒莊,還可以了解葡萄酒釀造的過程。有些酒莊會在夏季舉辦爵士和古典音樂會,或者夏天的清晨乘坐熱氣球高空俯視谷地的活動,甚至搭乘品酒觀光火車,而且此地美食餐廳林立預約請早,Farmstead At Long Meadow Ranch(738 Main St, Saint Helena), Grace's Table(1400 2nd St, Napa),Kitchen Door(610 1st,Ste24,Napa),Bouchon(6534 Washington St,Yountville),米其林三星的The French Laundry(6640 Washington St, Yountville,CA)也在此地。
加州科學博物館California Academy of Sciences
穆爾國家紅木森林Muir Woods National Monument