
美東之旅行程規劃圖美東懷舊行程Travel Planner (Northampton, MA to & Maine 257/Miles)Driving distance from Northampton, MA to Boston, MA (105 Miles)Driving distance from Boston, MA to Acadia national park, Maine (278 Miles)A trip from July 12, 2013 to July 21,2013Traveling from Northampton, MA to Acadia national park,Maine

Day 1 : Sat. 7/13/13 在機場租車後,前往史密斯女子學院 Smith college 

 * Car rental, drive all the way to Northampton, MA

* 和孩子們共進午餐Go to the great wall in Florence for lunch (後逛North Hampton市中心。

* 和孩子們共進晚餐Have a dinner in restaurant. suggestion: Dirty Truth , Sylvester's,Green Bean restaurant後看滑輪比賽Watch Roller Derby game


* 住宿:Holiday Inn express & suites, 39 Southampton Rd. Westfield, MA


Day 2 : Sun 7/14/13 麻州Old Strubridge Village後準備前往緬因州方向前進,到L. L. Bean野外用品旗艦店購物。

* Go to the Hinge for brunch後到麻州Old Strubridge Village

* Get ready to drive to Freeport Village Station, Freeport, Maine暢貨商場

* Shopping in the L. L. Bean flagship store (95 Main St, Freeport, ME open 24 hours, 7 days a week)

 *住宿:Holiday Inn Express Hotel & suites, 450 U.S. Route1, Freeport. ME 



Day 3 : Monday 7/15/13 緬因州

* Shop in the Freeport Village Station outlets stores at Freeport, ME.


Suggestion: heads off to Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound (1237 Bar Harbor Rd, Trenton, ME) to have a lobster lunch or dinner.

* Driving all the way to Acadia national park, Maine緬因州阿卡迪亞國家公園.


* 住宿:Atlantic Oceanside Hotel & Conference Center,119 Eden St, Bar Harbor, ME.


Day 4 &5 : Tuesday 7/16/13 &Wednesday 7/17/13 阿凱迪雅國家公園Acadia national park, Maine

 *首選路線27-mile的Park Loop Road:Hulls Cove Vistior Center遊客中心Cadillac MountainSand BeachThunder HoleOtter pointJordan Pond House (afternoon tea)Bubble pond.

* 住宿:Atlantic Oceanside Hotel & Conference Center, ME.


* 住宿:Wilson Lake Inn, 183 Lake Road, Wilton, ME

* Dinner at Calzolalo Pasta restaurant, Wilton, ME


Day 6 : Thursday 7/18/13 新罕布夏州Flume Gorge, Franconia Notch State Park

 * Flume Gorge, Franconia Notch State Park, Lincoln, New Hampshire.

* 住宿:Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites, 100 Chickering Dr., Brattleboro, VT.


Day 7 : Friday 7/19/13 Woodstock Village, VT 

以前每年秋天總是帶著孩子們來Woodstock Village賞楓。


Natick shopping Mall裏的迴轉壽司店

F78CBE41-ECC5-4BE1-B066-763950031CD5.jpeg1716年經營至今的The Colonial Inn就在歷史小鎮Concord的市中心,56間住宿旅館裡還保留了16間古蹟維護的客房和餐廳,位於48 Monument Square, Concord,MA 01742

Concord以打響first shot第一槍American Revolution美國獨立戰爭的誕生地,當時北美英軍總司令Thomas Gage奉命前往Concord收繳軍火,居住Boston城內的Paul Revere得知消息後,披星戴月從Boston快馬加鞭前往⻄北邊約20公里的Concord,一路高喊"the shot heard' round the world", 趕到Lexington通知了大家英軍偷襲之事,使兩地⺠兵有所準備。英軍於黎明時進兵,但一路軍紀混亂,又在Lexington遭到民兵偷襲,好不容易趕到Concord的軍火儲存處,軍火早已被⺠兵轉移。英軍陣腳大亂,狼狽地退出Concord,回返Boston途中一路遭到⺠兵突襲,英軍在Boston被圍因而棄城而逃。身處當時烏合之眾的民兵,力抗英軍的美國獨立戰役戰場Minuteman National Historical Park有名的Battle Road和Old North Bridge。

Concord Museum還保存了Revere lantern,也有文學家Ralph Waldo Emerson's study,Henry Thoreau's Walden desk,還可欣賞American decorative arts等。

不遠處的Walden Pond是文學作家Thoreau梭羅寫下了湖濱散記,夏季是居民戲水垂釣和秋楓散步的去處,還有一間小禮品店915 Walden St, Concord,對我們來說這些都是我們曾經居住和孩子們上學熟悉的地方。
Day 8 : Natick shopping Mall / Wayland, Concord, Lexington, Lincoln area

* 住宿: Hyatt house, 2 Van De Graaff Dr., Burlington, MA


Day 9 : Saturday 7/20/13 麻省理工學院 MIT


麻州史密斯女子學院Smith College, MA

麻省理工學院MIT, MA

Flume Gorge, Franconia Notch State Park, Lincoln, NH

New England賞楓必到之處Woodstock, VT

麻州巫婆之城Salem, MA

麻州Old Strubridge Village




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