

同事詢問怎麼煮味噌湯,特地為他們在此將作法放上。味噌湯Miso Soup


日式高湯或水 4 cups water
柴魚昆布高湯濃縮粒一小匙(以前用妹妹從日本買回來的日式高湯包)1 teaspoon of instant dashi granules (I used Ajinomoto HONDASHI bonito soup stock )
味噌醬一大匙1 tablespoons miso paste
海帶芽一大匙1 tablespoon dried wakame seaweed soaked in water for 10 minutes until reconstituted . By doing this, you are expanding the seaweed. Drain in a sieve.
豆腐切小塊1/2 cup drained and cut into ½ inch cubes silken or soft tofu
青蔥一根切蔥粒1 thinly sliced green scallion (I used a kitchen scissor to cut it)


1.水煮開後加入日式高湯包續煮,或自製的日式高湯。 Pour the water into a pot and bring it to a boil over medium high heat.

2. 或加入柴魚昆布高湯濃縮粒一小匙溶解後,轉中小火放入豆腐稍微的輕輕攪拌。Add the instant dashi and whisk to dissolve.Turn the heat to medium low and add the tofu stir gently without breaking the tofu.
3. 將泡開的海帶芽用濾篩去除水分後,加入湯鍋內轉小火煮約2分鐘。Drain the seaweed and add the seaweed to the pot. Simmer for 2 minutes.

2. 取出半杯的湯在小碗裡,用一個網篩把味噌慢慢調散開化開在湯碗裡。In the meatime, Spoon the miso paste into a bowl. Ladle about 1/2 cup of the hot dashi broth into a bowl and whisk with chopsticks or a whisk to mix and melt the miso paste so that it becomes a smooth mixture.

4. 關火後,將湯碗裡拌勻的味噌泥加入湯鍋內,嘗試味道看是不是需要調整熱水或味噌的量,最後灑上蔥花即可。Turn the heat off, add the miso paste to the pot and stir well. Taste the soup - if it needs more flavor, whisk in another tablespoon or two of miso paste. Top with green onions and serve immediately.DSC03255

煮滾後關火再加入調好的味噌泥,為了避免破壞味噌酵素導致營養流失,烹煮過久也會讓味噌湯味道變苦。The miso contains nutritious enzymes, be careful not to boil once miso is added.  素食者可不加柴魚只使用昆布熬湯。For vegetarian miso soup, use Kombu dashi.

Each brand or kind of miso has different level of saltiness;
除了醃漬的西京味噌外,還有黃、白色味噌,甘口白味噌:九州味噌,鹽分較低,發酵期較短,口味較清淡、偏甜。和辛口味噌例如:信州味噌,紅褐色味噌鹽高,偏鹹、豆香濃,熟成期較長兩種。Yellow miso is sweet and creamy, red miso is stronger and saltier.除了使用單一口味味噌外,也可將紅、白味噌依不同比例混合,使香氣更有層次。therefore, add miso 1 Tbsp. at a time and taste the soup before you add more miso.
Use gluten-free miso to make this recipe gluten-free. 
If you don't have dashi packet or powder, see how to make dashi stock .

如何熬煮昆布柴魚高湯How to make dashi stock:

  1. 用濕巾稍微擦拭厚片昆布15g,浸泡1-2小時,昆布連水放湯鍋裡開中火煮約5-10分鐘。Combine the water and Kombu (dried kelp seaweed) in a 1-quart saucepan over medium heat.
  2. 可以將昆布取出。Remove the kombu just as the water starts to come to a boil.
  3. 轉文火後放入柴魚片15g。Add the bonito flakes (fish), if using, and let the water come to a rapid simmer.
  4. 約一分鐘即可關火,Simmer for about 1 minute, then remove the pan from heat.
  5. 讓柴魚在湯鍋裡靜置約5分鐘再取出。Let the bonito steep for an additional 5 minutes. Strain the bonito from the dashi.
  6. Add additional water if necessary to make 4 cups.


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