雞翅膀12 wingettes or drumettes 買1磅的有機party wing
A台灣鹽酥風味調味料powdered seasoning:1 tsp 大蒜粉garlic powder, 1 tsp 洋蔥粉onion powder,1 tsp 五香粉Chinese five spice power, 1 tsp 花椒粉red pepper power ,1tsp椒鹽粉Chinese pepper salt
1Tbsp 醬油和米酒
B美式風味調味料powdered seasoning:1 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp chili powder, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 t ground black pepper, 1 tsp paprika power, (ground celery seed,cumin)
1/2Tbsp baking power泡打粉讓雞皮酥脆
- 將雞翅用廚房捲筒紙充分擦乾Pat chicken pieces dry with a paper towel and set side.
- 取ㄧ大碗將A調味料和醬油(或B調味料和泡打粉拌勻Combine the baking power and powdered seasoning in a bowl and mix together well.
- 雞翅拌入醃料醃製30分鐘或隔夜Toss the wingettes & drumettes with the dry coating, refrigerated for 30 minutes or overnight.
- 一隻隻雞翅皮面朝上分別放在抹油的格子架上,放在鋪上烘焙紙(或鋁鉑紙)的烤盤上,放冰箱充分風乾雞翅或再擦乾。Arrange the chicken pieces on a wire rake over a baking pan·
- 放進事先預熱425F度的烤箱,15分鐘後翻面一次烤約30分鐘place in an oven preheated to 425F degree. Cook wings for 30 minutes, turning every 15 minutes until crispy and done.
275 | 140 |
300 | 150 |
325 | 165 |
350 | 180 |
375 | 190 |
400 | 200 |
425 | 220 |