春捲Crispy Chinese spring roll recipe
饀料真的是可以包羅萬象,雞、鴨、牛、豬或蝦仁甚至香腸等。The filling is very flexible. Shredded pork, chicken, ground pork or beef, sausage or chopped shrimp,etc.
- 高麗菜Shredded cabbage 1 cup,豆芽菜 mug bean sprouts 1 cup,豆干 dried bean curds very thinly sliced like matchstick sized 1 cup. 蛋2顆eggs可以煎蛋後切條狀或煎成蛋酥。
- 紅蘿蔔切細條Shredded carrots, 芹菜切條狀celery, 香菇切絲shiitake mushrooms 1/2 cup. 黑木耳wood ears 泡軟切絲1/2 cup
- 梅花肉切絲The recipe in here is shredded pork as filling.
- Marinate ground pork with 醬油soy sauce (1T), 白胡椒粉ground white (or black pepper),玉米粉cornstarch (1 t),米酒Chinese rice wine (1 T).
- 熱鍋後加入少許油炒豬肉絲至肉色轉白盛出備用Heat a pan over high heat. Add the cooking oil and add shreded pork and stir fry until no longer pink .
- 轉中小火煎香薑片後放入大蒜,然後加入香菇絲、高麗菜絲丶紅蘿蔔絲等炒軟Turn heat to medium-low, add 3 to 4 sliced ginger then garlic,cabbage, carrots, and the mushrooms,etc. Stir fry until the vegetables are softened.
- 加入醬油丶麻油和胡椒粉調味,並放回豬肉絲Add soy sauce, seasame oil and black pepper. add pork back to the pan.
- 炒好的肉餡可用竹簍放涼並,瀝乾水分Scoop out the filling to a big plate or baking sheet and spread out to completed cool.
- 亞洲超市買回的冷凍春捲皮,放室溫解凍,或是前一晚放冷藏解凍The spring roll wrappers they should be frozen and very thin, almost paper thin, defrosted unopened at room temperature or in the refrigerator overnight.
- 麵糊paste: 一大匙麵粉拌1/4杯冷水1 tablespoon flour mixed with 1/4 cup of cold water.
- Roll up filling with completely defrosted spring roll wrappers (春捲皮光滑面朝外包捲,uncooked side up) as diagrams. Use 1 heaping tablespoon of filling for each spring roll. 依序先由左右兩邊往內包裹,再由下往上包捲。收口以麵糊沾黏固定Steal end with paste. keep the rolled spring rolls in neat, single layer and covered with plastic wrap to prevent drying.
- 典型的現吃潤餅可以先舖一層糖和花生粉1:3的比例,再放入喜歡的餡料最後加香菜,先由左右兩邊往內包裹,再由下往上包捲就可以現作現吃。
- 鍋內熱油煎至金黃色。To pan fry the spring rolls tuning occasionally until golden brown.